
Friday, May 7, 2010

Free Family Tree at My Heritage

For those who are interested in tracing their family history, compiling a family tree, finding and filling in gaps of their ancestry while holding the hand of someone who knows what they are doing, MyHeritage.com is the site for you!

The goal of MyHeritage.com is to provide both novice and expert genealogy buffs with the best tools for researching their ancestry. Created by genealogists, MyHertitage.com offers an easy to use website with a variety of free software, sharing capabilities and databases.

You can build a family tree with free software called Family Tree Builder. It promises no spyware or ads when you download and you can bring your family tree to life with photos and documents. You can also publish and share your research on your own personalized Family Website. The Basic plan is free and it is always secure and private.

There is also a really cool feature to find ancestors via online databases using the My Heritage genealogy search engines and face recognition features to help you organize your family photos. Other fun features include:

* Message Boards to chat with other genealogy buffs
* A Celebrity Morph
* Helpful Genealogy blog
* Clever Look A Like Meter to see who your child most resembles! Fun!

Hey, members can even score a $5.00 discount on flowers and gifts at FTD. I'm always a girl looking for a deal. Discounts, free software, awesome tools, hours of good clean fun, and a more productive use of leisure time than some other stuff I do. If you don't archive your family history for your kids, who will?

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*Compensation was received for this review*

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